Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done.

~Philippians 4:6

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tithing & Saving

I heard a great radio program the other day.  Focus on the family featured Amie Streater.  I would suggest checking it out.  You can listen at  Go to daily broadcasts for March 18th, the title is Breaking Free From Bad Money Habits.  One thing that Amie suggested made perfect sense to me and I plan to put it into practice very soon. 

The subject of tithing and saving.  Ideally, the goal is to tithe 10%, save 10% & and live on 80%.  Now we do ok in the tithing department, but the saving could definitely use some work.  Her strategy basically boils down to this.  Start where you are.  If you don't give or save anything, you're not going to all of a sudden be able to jump in to 10-10-80.  But you can start giving 1%, saving 1% and living on 98%.  Do that for a month.  Then bump it to 2%, 2%, 96%.  Keep inching your way toward your goal and in less than a year you will be at the coveted 10-10-80.   

Like I said, we are already doing fine in the tithing, but we definitely need to work on the savings.  My plan is to start this month by saving 1% of our income.  Then next month 2%.  To make this more practical, I've set up an automatic transfer from our savings to our checking to occur every payday when the direct deposit goes in.  It will come right off the top and hopefully we won't even miss it.  Just remember to record the transfer every week.  That may be the tricky part! 


  1. Super good advice. We've had to start from the beginning again as well and it is very difficult. We used to be able to tithe and give offering once in a while but allot has changed recently. One way I do my offering is to give of my time. It is very valuable to my church and to other people who need it. That to is limited but when I can manage some time for someone else besides myself, I am always blessed for it.

  2. Kim, you're right, tithing isn't just about money. It's time, talents and treasure. Giving doesn't always have to be about money.

  3. What I meant was offerings. Over and above tithing. Sorry, must have said that wrong.

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