Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done.

~Philippians 4:6

Friday, March 18, 2011

Plan Ahead

One thing I'm working on is planning my spending.  This includes everything from making (and following) a grocery list to saving up for big ticket items. 

The first I'm tackling is groceries.  I find if I have to stop a few times a week to pick up bread or milk or what ever... I end up spending much more than the weeks when I plan ahead and shop wisely. 

On my good weeks when I'm at the top of my game, I sit down on Sunday afternoon or Monday evening and go through the Sunday paper.  I clip coupons and go through the ads.  (If you don't have a good coupon organizer, I would suggest investing in one.  You can usually buy them at the dollar store, or the bargain bins at Target or Walmart)  I also check the store and coupon websites.  I try to find as many coupons and deals as I can to match up to the items on my list.  I keep a separate envelope with my grocery list of the items I've matched.  I also note on my list what coupons I have to go with each item.  This really doesn't take as much time as it sounds.  With practice it gets faster and easier.  I usually only spend between 1/2 hour to 45 minutes.  Rarely an hour.

This is also a good time to plan your dinners for the week.  The items on the front page of the ads are usually "teasers".  These are really good deals to lure you in to the store where they're hoping you will spend more money on impulse buying.... remember to stick to your list!  If you plan your meals around the top sale items you will save money.  Also, if it's a really good deal, stock up your freezer for the weeks when the sales aren't so good.  Remember to add side dishes and ingredients for the menu items you plan to your list.

Some items you can find coupons for just by googling the product.  Go to their website.  I have found coupons for coffee creamer, laundry soap, cereal, just about anything.  It can't hurt to look, right?  Just type "coupon/kellogg" or coffee-mate or arm&hammer, or whatever name brand product you're looking for.

Be sure to check out the store brand products.  Many times the prices for these items can't be beat by the name brands, even with a sale and a coupon.  Often the quality is just as good as the expensive name brands.

The best days to shop are Tuesdays or Wednesdays.  Now I work full time, so I have to go in the evening, and I know how difficult it is to give up an evening to do groceries, but the reward is a free Saturday morning!  ...And you get better deals in the middle of the week.  By the time Saturday comes around, many of the deals are sold out or picked over.  Stores usually stock their shelves in the beginning of the week, so Tuesday or Wednesday works great.  If you do go on Saturday and miss a deal, be sure to ask for a rain check.

When an item is on sale, stock up!  This may mean a little more out of pocket immediately, but in the long run... you know you're going to use toothpaste eventually!  And you won't have to buy it when it's full price.  Be careful that you only stock up on things that will last and things that you will use.  A good deal isn't saving you money if it sits in your pantry and never gets used.

One way I keep my grocery spending under control is to use cash.  I determine how much to spend weekly or bi-weekly and withdraw that money on payday.  I keep this amount separate from my carry around cash and roll whatever is left over to the next week or use it to pick up those inevitable "extras" that may have been forgotten.  (I'm working on eliminating those)  If you've started a budget, you can determine this amount from there.  ( if you haven't checked it out yet)

There are also sites out there that help you co-ordinate coupons with sales.

I've listed some coupon sites below.  There are many more out there.

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